Kim Kardashian, Mayweather Urge Court to Drop EMAX Lawsuit

• Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather filed a motion to the California Central District Court, asking their renewed EMAX lawsuit to be removed.
• The lawsuit alleges that the celebrities promoted EthereumMax (EMAX) in order to inflate its price.
• The defendants claimed that the new case does not differ from the one dismissed at the end of 2022.

Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather Urged Court to Drop EMAX Lawsuit

Kim Kardashian, boxing legend Floyd Mayweather, Paul Pierce, Jona Rechnitz, and Giovanni Perone have filed a motion to a California federal judge, requesting their renewed EMAX lawsuit to be dropped. According to investors who lost money due to their involvement with EthereumMax (EMAX), the celebrities popularized the asset on social media in order to inflate its price and later sold it for profit.

The Prior Complaint Dismissed

The magistrates previously dropped a similar indictment against the defendants in December last year due to fundamental flaws. However, investors have now brought forward an amended complaint which is virtually identical to the prior one. The defendants urged for dismissal of this new case as well on grounds that it does not differ from the one previously dismissed in December 2022.

EthereumMax’s Worth

In their motion submitted before Judge Cormac J Carney of California Central District Court, Kim Kardashian and other celebrities stated that tokens like EthereumMax have no worth outside of what market is willing pay for them in real-time thus making claims implausible. They are confident that addition of new claims, defendants or irrelevant allegations will not make up for defects identified by court earlier.

Celebrities Involved

Apart from Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather, other celebrities involved in this case include Paul Pierce, Jona Rechnitz and Giovanni Perone – all accused of promoting EthereumMax (EMAX). It is alleged that they used their popularity on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram in order to inflate its price so they could later sell it off at higher value than what they paid initially for investment purpose.


Although investors lost money because of these people’s involvement with EthereumMax (EMAX), whether or not charges against them are legitimate remains yet undecided as both parties continue legal battle over matter before Judge Cormac J Carney of California Central District Court